A friend and I run a welcome wagon in the community I live in. We send a package of cookies with a nice note and some general information about our area to the new families moving in. Every once in a while I bake and freeze a few batches of chocolate chip cookies. That way they are on hand when I need them.
I baked over two hundred cookies today, and didn't eat a single one. Not a lick of batter, not a leftover crumb from the cookie sheet.
Before you applaud my superhuman will power, I need to tell you something. I had to fast today. It's actually one of the reasons I chose to bake. I knew I had to fast, so resisting those cookies was a piece of cake! (No pun intended)
So what do I do when I need to bake the next batch, and I'm allowed to eat? I've found a few tricks that work
almost as well - but still require some level of discipline.
Rule Number One: Don't Break The Seal
I don't know how many of you remember this from their beer drinking days, but it applies to food as well, albeit from a different angle...er, end. If you don't let even a morsel pass through your lips, you have a better chance of success. As soon as you break that seal, you will have ten more tastes before you know what hit you.
Rule Number Two: Water
Keep a big glass of water on the counter and whenever you reach for a lick or bite, gulp the water instead.
Rule Number Three: Gum
If you are worried that you might be distracted and absentmindedly lick some batter off you finger, have some sugar free gum in your mouth should help.
Rule Number Four: Water, Again
This time for the bowl and spoon, and any other utensil that may have edible batter on it. As soon as you are done, douse everything with soap and water. That way you don't need to exercise control any longer than absolutely necessary.
All that work to avoid a few licks? For those of you out there that think I sound extreme, know this - two small tastes of chocolate chip cookie dough is a fast 128 calories - and once you beak the seal, it tends to be more than three licks!